2023 ADSA Conference
Archives, Artists & Absences
Kaurna Country, Adelaide
Monday 27 November – Friday 1 December
Submissions due: 3 July 2023.
Submission link: https://forms.office.com/r/8P55rGKbNF.
Members are reminded that the Call for Papers for the 2023 ADSA Conference is open, and submissions close in
two weeks on Monday 3 July. The full text and detail of the Call is available on the ADSA website (
https://www.adsa.edu.au/next-conference), along with details of the six Working Groups who will be meeting as part of this year's trial.
We would particularly like to invite members who supervise postgrads or have HDR coordination responsibiltiies to forward it to students who might not have had previous contact with ADSA – to that end, it is also attached as a .pdf. We welcome proposals from artists and scholars at all career stages, and any questions about the Conference or submission process can be directed to Chris Hay (
We look forward to receiving your proposals, and seeing you in Adelaide in November!
Sarah, Anne, and Chris.